Financial inclusion
Supporting Third sector
In ways similar to those of the Fund for Impact, the Solidarity and Development Fund supports the operations of Intesa Sanpaolo with respect to the Third Sector, facilitating granting of loans to organisations with sound prospects but difficulties in accessing credit.
2022 Results
(RIM) Impact Detector
Using a special version of the RIM, a survey started in 2022 on the expected effects of loans to the Third Sector, supported by the Solidarity and Development Fund. A total of 620 questionnaires were filled in, which correspond to loans of around 194 million euro and the first results highlight that:
- in two thirds of cases, there would have been no alternatives to the loan from Intesa Sanpaolo
- every million euro lent will generate 15 new jobs and preserve another 100, for a total of over 22,000 jobs to be created or preserved
- 1.85 million beneficiaries will be affected.
For Funding is the Group’s social crowdfunding platform aimed at non-profit organisations that want to start a fundraising campaign to support high-impact projects, a unique and distinctive model in the world of social crowdfunding.
The initiatives are selected by an internal team which assesses the beneficiary organisation and the type of projects so as to enhance the value of the most deserving ones. Every transaction is free for the donor and the beneficiary.
To stimulate donations and increase their impact, Intesa Sanpaolo is personally committed through its own donations, also by devolving part of its margins on certain projects signed by customers (e.g. Green Loan, S-Loan, “Exclusive” credit card).
2022 Results

In 2022, donations connected to Green Loan have supported “Ri-party-amo”, in partnership with WWF Italia and Jova Beach Party to support cleaning activities, naturalistic works, environmental awareness initiatives, and the project “Forestami - Dona per un futuro più verde” (Forestami - Donations for a greener future) of the Comunità Milano Foundation, for urban forestation of the city by planting 3 million new trees by 2030.
Donations connected to S-Loan helped support the project “A Scuola di Inclusione: giocando si impara” (School of Inclusion: Learning through play) promoted by the Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare - National Department (UILDM), for the construction of playgrounds for disabled children in 16 Italian regions.
The interbank fees were allocated to the project “Prendersi cura non ha scadenza” (Caring has no expiry date) of the Don Gino Rigoldi Foundation, aimed at distributing food parcels and staples and economic support for families, and the project “Percorsi per Ripartire insieme” (Pathways for Starting Over Together) of the Comunità S. Egidio, aimed at distributing essential goods in Italy and offering listening, counselling and guidance services to families and needy people.
Social Bond
In October 2022, Intesa Sanpaolo successfully placed its first Social Bond.
The social portfolio mainly consists of loans to SMEs operating in disadvantaged areas (including COVID loans) and to non-profit entities operating in sectors of particular social concern (health, education, welfare, and solidarity).
Results of the issue

The Oltre III Impact Fund
Oltre Impact SGR is the first impact fund manager and top performer in Italy in the impact investing (equity) segment, which has supported the growth of over 45 impact enterprises.
In 2022 Intesa Sanpaolo signed a commitment of 8 million euro in the Oltre III fund, the third fund launched by Oltre, which achieved funding of 72 million euro, for investments in projects with a social and environmental impact.
The new fund will invest in social SMEs capable of generating a measurable social and/or environmental impact (for example, in the healthcare sector based on physical and digital models, the silver economy and care for the elderly and the education and training sector at all levels and targeting all ages).
Last updated 3 April 2024