Welfare and People Care
In line with the provisions of the signed National Collective Labor Agreements, Intesa Sanpaolo undertakes to protect an adequate standard and a sustainable quality of life for all the people who work within the Group, both in terms of remuneration and in terms of individual well-being.
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group's welfare system has developed numerous services and initiatives for the Group's people.
These are the areas: Complementary Pensions, Supplementary Health Care, Intesa Sanpaolo Workers' Association, Soft Welfare and coordination of the inter-functional Group dedicated to the management of disabilities and chronic diseases in the company, Mobility Management, in addition to the Intesa Sanpaolo Foundation, philanthropic institution.
The integrated welfare system represents approximately 5% of the Group's labor costs.
In 2023 the Group’s supplementary pension scheme system reaches total assets of over 10.7 billion euro for over 140 thousand members.
During 2023, in order to make the offer increasingly consistent with the social security requirements of the members, in the current complex economic-financial scenario, the financial and insurance sectors of the Group’s Defined Benefit Pension Fund were streamlined and the sectors themselves were renamed.
Contribution Pension Funds offer their members a wealth of investment options, allowing them to choose their ideal allocation based on individual needs and specific risk appetite, including across multiple sectors.
Bodies and structures of the Group Funds constantly monitor market performance, to maintain and defend the income targets of each sector, with the interventions that are deemed necessary in the interest of its members and for the protection of pension savings.
The focus on ESG issues and the consistency of the portfolios under management with the Guidelines on socially responsible investments is always high; these aspects are also considered fundamental in terms of proper risk management as well as compliance with regulatory requirements.
With regard to death/disability insurance coverage, in 2023 a public selection was carried out that enabled to obtain reduced rates compared to the past, in addition to an improvement in conditions, recording around 40 thousand members.
From an organisational point of view, the functions of the area reserved for Contribution Fund members were further refined and implemented, expanding the options for online transactions and eliminating paper forms.

For all people (in service and in retirement) and their families, the Group Integrative Health Fund has been in operation since 2011, ensuring that members receive supplementary health care for the services provided by the National Health Service, in a timely and effective way.
It is a non-profit association based on criteria of mutuality, sustainability and solidarity, even intergenerational.
The Fund, which has more than 246,000 members (employees, pensioners and their families), recognizes benefits through the contracted network or, alternatively, by reimbursing the health expenses incurred directly by the associates.
Furthermore, the Long Term Care (LTC) coverage activated by the Fund covers approximately 65,000 people.
The Fund is promoting an effective prevention and early diagnosis program for the most common pathologies in the oncology field, which allows patients to carry out specialist visits and diagnostic tests free of charge, without any charge or deductible for them.
The amount of spending on healthcare, prevention and LTC in the 2023 financial year overall exceeds 200 million euro and over a third of the same is carried out at the facilities of the affiliated network.
With the aim of improving the service to members and qualifying the action of the Fund, a selection of the Third Party Administrator (TPA) for the three-year period 2024 - 2026 was carried out in 2023; the service was awarded to InSalute Servizi, a company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group specialized in the supplementary healthcare sector.

Associazione Lavoratori Intesa Sanpaolo - ALI is the cultural, recreational and sports association for Intesa Sanpaolo Group employees.
Set up by the union agreement of February 7, 2013, it became active in January 2014 as the only association in the Group, bringing together the previous clubs and expanding its activity also to offer various services to individuals.
ALI, based in Florence, operates through a central structure and other 7 local Councils (Bologna, Florence, Milan, Naples, Padua, Rome and Turin). More local Groups and Sections operating in the area refer to each Council to preserve the capillarity of services. ALI proposes initiatives for aggregation, tourism, culture, sport and personal services.
It has more than 173,000 subscribers (colleagues and family) and, through a wide range of services, established itself as a new form of participated welfare.
The Association aims to:
- setting up and searching for initiatives and services to support colleagues, retired staff and their families
- encouraging the socialising among colleagues through recreation and leisure and proposing affordable holidays
- supporting the dissemination of well-planned, lively and attractive cultural initiatives on an affordable basis
- promoting sports initiatives aimed especially at younger colleagues
- ensuring - through local Councils - the value of personal relationships with members and their voluntary involvement in activities
- promoting the initiatives through its website and a management system to facilitate administrative tasks.
For some years now, ALI has also set itself the goal of implementing initiatives designed to promote the achievement of some of the objectives set in the UN 2030 Agenda. Furthermore, in line with the objectives aimed at improving the living conditions and safety of cities and roads and at combating climate change, ALI provides financial contributions for sustainable mobility and to encourage the purchase of public transport passes on the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobility Ticket platform (SDGs 11 and 13) and “green” agreements, for the purchase or sharing and long-term rental of scooters and hybrid and electric cars. In 2023, in line with the objective of spreading good practices in terms of environmental protection by contributing to reducing the use of disposable plastic bottles and encouraging greater consumption of water as a source of well-being (SDGs 11, 12 and 14), 1,650 newly recruited ordinary members received a water bottle for Christmas.
2023 recorded a significant increase in aggregation initiatives following the trend already started last year, particularly worthy of note were the numerous intercontinental tourism proposals at the national level, along with the continuation of the tourism and cultural enhancement initiatives promoted by the territories.
The wide range of personal services offers initiatives and contributions dedicated to families with children for the purchase of textbooks, participation in summer camps in Italy and abroad, guidance to help with the choice of their university and secondary school and learning courses to improve academic performance also dedicated to children with learning disabilities (“Studio con metodo!”). A new agreement was entered into with Tutornow, the start-up specialising in online training and repetition services for children from primary school to university. ALI provides free psychological support services in collaboration with STIMULUS and tailored advice on “Welcare Family” social welfare and educational services in collaboration with Welfare Come Te.
In line with the social inclusion objectives (SDG 10), new editions of the course on Limited Guardianship was created and of the online course “Il metodo Validation: aiutare l’anziano fragile” (The Validation method: helping the frail elderly) were proposed. As part of the promotion of solidarity initiatives, the Association, as usual, took part with its volunteers in the Giornata di Raccolta del Farmaco (Medicine Collection Day), organised by the non-profit Banco Farmaceutico Foundation and promoted “La cultura del dono, dare il meglio di noi” (The culture of giving, giving the best of us), the webinar designed to raise awareness of bone marrow and/or blood donations with the aim of creating culture and awareness on the subject (SDG 3).
More physical activity and a less sedentary lifestyle (SDG 3) is the rationale behind the sport and leisure allowance and the offer of Gympass gym networks which also include online activities.
In 2023, the Association initiated the procedure aimed at acquiring legal personality and adopted a new Articles of Association – as defined by the Institutional Sources – in force as of 1 January 2024.

The reference in the company for all initiatives related to the world of disability and chronic diseases is the interfunctional Working Group created following the Inclusion Agreement of August 2018. Coordinated by the Welfare function, it has the active participation of over 80 colleagues representing of multiple corporate structures. The goal is to combine different professional skills with a team game, to support and enhance the contribution of all collaborators and promote as much as possible a condition of well-being and support in the development of life in the company, also enriching the welfare tools in support .
The group periodically discusses with the trade unions as part of the Welfare, Safety and Sustainable Development Committee - a bilateral body made up of company and trade union representatives - for the definition of the initiatives to be undertaken and naturally works in synergy with the Diversity & Inclusion Function. All the members of the working group, together with representatives of all trade unions, participated in the Advanced Training Course "Disability Manager and the world of work" organized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. The course creates the basis for a common language, an important work tool.
The Group’s commitment on the subject lies on the one hand in the management of individual reports from the Group’s employees and on the other hand in multiple activities such as monitoring issues with accessibility to computer systems, training and the organisation of cultural initiatives aimed at raising awareness and involving people on the subject. The various initiatives include, in collaboration with Gallerie d’Italia, the “Visite d’altri Sensi” (Visists from other Senses) project, which involves the participation of blind people as sensory museum guides and, in collaboration with the Innovation Center, a project related to urban transport accessibility was carried out, starting as the first pilot with the involvement of the Municipality of Turin.
The "Disability Management" section is available in #People, a summary of the Group's commitment on the subject, which led to the birth of many internal projects within the company: from the analysis of processes for improvement continuous management of individual requests from Group people, monitoring the issues of accessibility to IT systems, from the training dedicated to all HR Managers, a fundamental point of listening and reference, to the publication of a schedule aimed at constantly focusing attention on the subject, to raise awareness and involve all the people of the Group.
Finally, the Group has published the Guidelines to regulate the access of assistance dogs to company premises, a pioneering initiative in the field.
The Mobility Management function is dedicated to supporting employee commuting, to improve their quality but also to promote sustainable means of transport.
The goal is to translate the feedback into concrete actions in order to provide a structured range of options for daily commutes and implement the actions of the Home-Work Commuting Plans.
The Mobility Manager is supported by Territorial Mobility Representatives with the aim, on the one hand, of detecting and interpreting the demand expressed in the area and, on the other, of spreading the culture of sustainable mobility and the initiatives promoted by the Group.
Through the mapping of needs, direct listening and the active participation of colleagues, since 2009 Intesa Sanpaolo draws up the home-work travel plans every year. The documents, beyond regulatory compliance, aim to present an overview of the directions of travel, the means used, the needs of people who go to work and the services made available.
With regard to the reduction in CO2 emissions and the use of private individual transport, the main goals pursued by the Group in response to the legislation are:
- the consolidation of Flexible Work and Training, which innovatively combine the management of people’s private lives with the company’s organisational requirements;
- the execution of a trade union agreement on mobility;
- the Mobility Ticket platform, which promotes the use of public transport in some cities, enabling employees to request annual season tickets directly from their workstation, with the option of paying in monthly instalments and taking advantage of discounted fares where available;
- the company shuttle service to support mobility at some sites not served by local public transport (forecast savings of over 735 tonnes of CO2 in Italy);
- the company carpooling service, a mode of transport based on the concept of several people with similar routes and working hours sharing the same private car. The aim is to share cars for commutes in order to improve the quality of transfers, make savings on transport expenses, and reduce traffic congestion, pollution and road accidents;
- the development of shared services (cars, mopeds, scooters, and bicycles). In Italy, ALI - the Intesa Sanpaolo employees’ association - has entered into agreements with the main networks in several cities;
- the constant commitment to managing and upgrading the company fleet according to selection criteria that promote respect for the environment. Almost all of the car models outlined in the company policies are electric, plug-in or hybrid and these will therefore become part of the Group’s transport assets upon the renewal of the contracts. The gradual electrification of the fleet has also resulted in the launch of projects for the installation of charging stations at the main company sites given the growing need to refuel the vehicles also when on company premises;
- the incentivisation of micromobility through various initiatives, such as the possibility of parking foldable bicycles and/or scooters in company spaces, a plan to install racks for the parking of traditional and electrically assisted pedal bicycles, and dedicated contributions by the Employees’ Association (ALI);
- the development of remote communications for both listening and work activities, with the widespread use of Skype for Business and Teams in place of commuting and business trips.
In the International Subsidiary Banks the gradual overhaul of the company fleet has continued with the acquisition of electric, hybrid and more environmentally-friendly models, while the shuttle services at the Bank of Alexandria (Egypt) were used by around 300 colleagues. Meanwhile, carpooling solutions using company and/or private cars have been adopted at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (Albania), CIB Bank (Hungary), Banca Intesa Beograd (Serbia), Pravex Bank (Ukraine), Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (Slovenia), Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina and VÚB Banka (Slovakia). In addition, in 2018 CIB Bank signed a contract for the use of car sharing using only electric cars, a project which involved around 1,600 users in 2022. Micromobility is on the rise thanks to the availability of Bank-owned bicycles and the creation of bike parking spaces, such as racks and specific rooms. Still at CIB, in 2022 around 1,500 employees commuted to and from work by bicycle.
People Care
The promotion of people's well-being and quality of life is inspired by a model based on: active listening to people's needs, analysis of People Care business systems at an international level, enhancement and enrichment of personal services. The 2022-2025 Business Plan confirmed the central role of people’s well-being as a pillar of the Group’s HR strategy. To this end, People Care initiatives were carried out in synergy with the support for diversity and inclusion, with corporate welfare and with the new working methods.
We encourage new and healthy behaviors, aware that well-being is the result of balancing the physical, psychological and social resources necessary for each of us to face daily challenges, in line with the principles of the World Health Organization. This integrated approach, based on the values of information, science, prevention and experience, is developed through initiatives that allow people to gain awareness and experience good wellness practices on a daily basis.
Our "Laboratory" to promote complete well-being: physical, emotional-psychological and social-relational to feel good in the office, at home and in all other contexts of our daily life. It is divided into a structured offer of contents, tools and initiatives, digital and in person and makes available:
- Free-to-use digital platform with over 900 selected and qualified digital contents including videos, podcasts, articles and on-demand events on nutrition, movement, emotional well-being, caregiving and family care
- Digital tools (app, web app and specialized platforms) experience good wellness practices on a daily basis:
- 4Fooding, web App for healthy eating, with menus, recipes and a team of nutritionists available for questions, doubts and curiosities
- Online gym with a rich schedule of live and on-demand courses - usable by multiple devices and family members - held by experienced coaches in all disciplines
- Technogym app, with innovative and tailor-made services for a healthier lifestyle, to keep fit at home, in the gym or outdoors
- #Stepbystep, App that encourages movement and rewards a healthy lifestyle thanks to steps, sports and challenges between colleagues.
- 21days, Web app to train and adopt good habits to promote emotional and psychological well-being, progressively enriching training paths
- Possibility of individual specialist consultations with nutritionists, personal trainers, sports mental coaches
- Company spaces with new layout. The redesign of the company spaces continued and further "Energy corners" were set up, welcoming places offering healthy food to guarantee a quality break and encourage meeting and relationships. The modular use of the spaces made it possible to host morning yoga sessions, events with experts in the different dimensions of well-being and cultural and social initiatives. In particular, the new headquarters in Milan in via Gioia 22 has been established as a hub for experimentation with these activities, including film clubs, theater and events.
- Company gyms.To encourage physical activity, two company gyms have been set up, in Brescia and Milan in Gioia 22, and further openings are planned in other locations during 2024.
The CareLab platform was progressively extended abroad in 2023 and is now present, in addition to Italy, in Serbia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia. The extension process will continue during 2024.
CareLab continues to host initiatives of openness and attention to the topic of disability, in collaboration with Disability Management and Diversity Equity and Inclusion, for example the series of contents on dyslexia in the world of work and at school age, in collaboration with AID, the Italian Dyslexia Association.
Some webinars continued in 2023 in the dialogue between experts format, with personalities of national importance. To support parenting, the first interactive paths were created to accompany people in the parenting experience up to the age of three years of their children's life.
Managed by a network of external partners of psychologists and psychotherapists with consolidated experience, the service offers immediate, professional and impartial support for life situations that generate concerns or affect well-being. Available to all Group people in Italy, in 2023 it was also extended abroad, and is now active for 93,000 people in 40 countries, free of charge, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, anonymously and in local.
Intesa Sanpaolo, in order to respond in a personalized way to the needs of individuals and their families, provides approximately 400 services and initiatives useful for:
- improve the balance between private and professional life
- administer their own and family budgets
- support health and quality of life
- enhance free time
The complete offer can be consulted by exploring a digital catalog organized on the basis of people's needs, also in relation to the personal, family or professional life cycle.
Last updated 10 June 2024 at 14:03:37