

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Charity Fund. If you cannot find the answer to your question or for further details, contact us via the email address fondobeneficenza@intesasanpaolo.com

Who can make a request to the Charity Fund and how to do it

Can an unincorporated organization benefit from a grant from the Charity Fund?

The Charity Fund requires that the organization is legally constituted, equipped with a Deed of Constitution, Articles of Association and accounting procedures, and that it is registered at least in a public register. If the organization has no legal personality, as it is not registered in the register of legal persons, it must preferably be registered in a public register.

Does an applicant organization have to be registered with RUNTS to be able to access the Charity Fund?

The reform of the Third Sector has provided for the establishment of a Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS). However, this registration is not mandatory. In order to register or migrate to the RUNTS, the ETS (third sector organizations) had to adapt their Statutes to the legislation in force. When requesting donations by the Charity Fund, proposers are invited to attach the original Deed of Constitution and the Statute in force at the time of the request.

How is seniority calculated if an organization makes a change to the form of association (e.g. from association to foundation), or a new constitution following a partial transfer by another organisation?

In the event that an organization has changed its association form or was born from a partial transfer from another organization, the previous seniority is taken into consideration, i.e. the date of original incorporation of the transferring organization and its track record.

Is a public institution considered a profit organization, or can it request a donation?

A public institution can request support only for specific initiatives of particular social, cultural or scientific importance, as highlighted in Art. 8 of the Regulations.

Does a public institution have to complete the anti-corruption questionnaire?

Completing the anti-corruption questionnaire is always mandatory. If it is not possible to trace the beneficial owner, the organization will be responsible for interfacing with its administrative offices to find the necessary information.

Can public institutions be among the partners?

The organization can also enter into partnership agreements with public institutions.

By submitting a request before the end of June, if the fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, it is not possible to attach the approved financial statements. In this case, what must we do?

In this case it is possible to attach the documents available at the date of submission of the request. During the preliminary investigation, the Fund will request any additional documents that may be necessary.

Do requests have to be submitted by 05/31?

Requests relating to the Social Area (and Social Research) can be submitted throughout the year, keeping in mind that the available budget gradually erodes until it is exhausted.
The submission deadline of 05/31 is mandatory only for projects in the Medical Research Area. Interested organizations will have the entire day of 05/31 available to complete the submission of the project. Only complete projects submitted through the platform will be taken into consideration.

Is it possible to attach links or images to the application platform?

Links and images can only be inserted in the files that will be attached (abstract, budget or declarations and attachments section). It is not possible to insert any external references (links) or images within the narrative boxes.

Is it mandatory to use the templates on the platform (e.g. partnership agreement and budget template)?

For central donations only, the organization must use the budget model present on the platform. The use of the partnership agreement model, however, is not mandatory. This is a facsimile made available as a reference for those who have never drawn up this type of document.

In the case of a project for which external monitoring is envisaged, how long must the monitoring plan last and by when must the final report from the evaluator be delivered?

The monitoring plan must be contextual to the implementation of the project. The evaluating institution must already be engaged in the planning phase and the final report must be delivered, like the project reporting, within 60 days of the end of the initiative, unless otherwise agreed with the Charity Fund.

Where can I find the contacts of the evaluators present in the panel selected by the Charity Fund?

In the request platform, when the project meets the necessary requirements, the file containing the contact list of the University Institution representatives is made available.

Medical and social research area

Is external monitoring for projects mandatory also for the Research Area (medical and social)?

For Medical Research projects and Social Research projects it is not mandatory to provide external monitoring.

Medical research area

Where do I place the abstract in English?

The abstract in English must be inserted in the specific section on the application platform. This will only be available after selecting "Medical Research" in the "General Area" field. Applicants are invited to create a single file and then proceed with uploading it to the platform.

Where do I attach the budget in English?

The budget in English must be inserted in the appropriate section "analytical budget of the costs of the initiative". Always remember to send the budget relating to the year of the request. The PDF version of the document must be signed by the legal representative. The spreadsheet version (e.g. Excel) is useful for the analysis.

If a research institute wishes to present the continuation of a project supported in the previous year, but not yet completed, considering the submission deadline of 05/31, can it still proceed with the inclusion and then provide even partial reporting?

The organization can proceed with the inclusion by sending an intermediate report, while the final report can be provided as soon as it is available.
