Suppliers Portal
The Procurement Head Office Department, in charge of procurement in the area defined by the relevant guidelines and rules, oversees the purchasing process, guaranteeing the regularity and consistency of purchases by observing the relevant policies and internal regulations, also through an e-sourcing application called Supplier Gate, that:
- allows the selection of suppliers already in the Process of Registration at Supplier Gate through an assessment that takes into account not only the economic-financial and technical-organizational characteristics of each supplier, but also includes investigations into the ethics of the business, respect for human rights, workers' rights and the environment. Only if the result of this assessment is positive, suppliers are registered with the Group Suppliers Master and can be invited to the acquisition events;
- allows to equates the market comparisons (cd. Races) - already managed on the Suppliers Portal - also the acquired events related to Direct Negotiations strengthening the qualification process, the verification of suppliers/subcontractors and third parties and the controls/monitoring of them over time.
Suppliers view the Intesa Sanpaolo Code of Ethics when registering with the portal and, if they sign a supply or service agreement, they pledge to respect the main relevant contents of the Code when performing their assigned tasks, also making this pledge on behalf of their representatives, employees, associates, and subcontractors. They must read the Organisational, Management and Control Model (Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001), the Group’s Internal Code of Conduct and the Diversity & Inclusion principles.
The assessment of registered suppliers takes into account not only the economic-financial and technical organisational characteristics of each one of them, but also the verification of business ethics, respect for human rights, workers’ rights, and the environment, based on the statements made through the compilation of specific questionnaires and/or the possession of certain certifications. If the outcome of this assessment is positive, suppliers are registered in the Group Suppliers’ Register and can be invited to procurement events.
At the end of 2023, approximately 8,400 suppliers had completed the registration procedure on the Supplier Gate portal. Of these, around 4,200 were found to be qualified and eligible to be invited to procurement events.
During 2023, the mapping of suppliers with regard to social sustainability (including human rights), environmental and governance matters continued through the completion of a specific questionnaire in order to strengthen the criteria for the assessment and selection of the best suppliers. All new suppliers are required to complete the questionnaire. The ESG score, which arises from completion of the afore-mentioned questionnaire and possession of certain certificates in line with the Group’s criteria, expresses the supplier’s quality on ESG issues and can influence the selection of the best suppliers in relation to specific procurement needs. It follows that, in relation to specific product categories with a greater environmental or social impact, suppliers who fail to comply with the minimum requirements can be excluded from tenders.
During 2024, the Financial Market Coverage Head Office Department will also be recorded in the supplier qualification systems for all suppliers who are also customers of Intesa Sanpaolo and subject to ESG assessment.
The Supplier Portal has allowed a constant and considerable improvement in communication with suppliers and an increase in the degree of transparency of the relationship with them; suppliers already take a view of the Organization, Management and Control Model under D. lgs. 231/2001, of the Code of Ethics and the Group Internal Code of Conduct and the Portal also requires their contextual subscription for viewing of this documents.
Total number of suppliers - perimeter Suppplier gate | |
Italy and abroad | 10,641 |
With registered office in Italy | 5,638 |
With registered office in Europe (not in Italy) | 4,672 |
With registered office in the rest of the World | 331 |
Last updated 26 April 2024 at 16:51:15