Support to ESG transition
We support
our clients in their transition projects
We have long been at the forefront of the challenge of accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy to achieve global climate goals. Our direct actions are accompanied by an ever-increasing commitment to customers, individuals and businesses, with specific financing plafond and the expansion of the offer of sustainable and responsible investment products.
Intesa Sanpaolo has long been at the forefront of accelerating the transition to a low-emission economy with specific credit lines for private individuals and businesses and with an increasingly wide range of sustainable investment products.
Letter to stakeholders, CEO Carlo Messina, Chairman Gian Maria Gros-Pietro
We are committed to providing a € 76 billion disbursement program in Italy for the European Green Deal and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) over the next few years dedicated to the Green, Circular Economy and ecological transition.
Our commitment in this transition has resulted: in the offer of credit lines dedicated to companies (such as Circular Economy and Sustainability Loans), in the offer of training initiatives dedicated to client companies on ESG issues, in the offer of sustainable investment products and, on the funding side, in the issue of Green Bonds.
Intesa Sanpaolo wants to be an accelerator of the initiatives of the NRPP, in particular by accompanying companies in the sustainable transition with innovative credit instruments that allow concrete actions in improving their ESG profile
Anna Maria Roscio, Head of Business Marketing and Sales Department
Main objectives and results*

€68.3bn for the ecological green
and circular transition disbursed in 2021-2024 as part of Mission 2 NRRP out of the target €76bn 2021-2026

€12.6bn disbursed
within the 8 billion euro dedicated to the circular economy in the 2022-2025 Business Plan

16 ESG Labs since the launch
within the 2022-2025 Business Plan target of more than 12 ESG Labs (at least one in each Regional Governance Centre)
*Data highlighted are referred to 2022-2025 Business Plan and, where not otherwise stated, are data as at 31.12.2024
ESG Transition: discover all the objectives and the results
2022-2025 Business Plan Objectives Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy and sustainable investments and insurance |
Description | Achievement as at 31.12.2023 (where not specified) |
New lending in relation to the areas of application of Mission 21 of the NRRP | New lending to support the ecological transition: 76 billion euro's worth of loans in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (2021- 2026)
~44.9 billion euro of new lending disbursed in 2021-2023 to support the ecological transition |
Loans in the environmental sustainability field2 | Customer support through the ESG/climate transition | Loans disbursed for the green and circular economy: €3.7bn million euro disbursed, equal to 6.2% of all loans |
of which Green Mortgages | Further boost to sustainable credit for retail customers with special emphasis on the ecological transition: 12 billion euro of green loans to individuals over the 2022-2025 Plan | ~1.7 billion euro of Green Mortgages disbursed in 2023 (~4.3 billion in 2022-2023) |
“Other sustainability” loans2 | Supporting the sustainable economy | ~3.6 billion euro was disbursed |
Sustainable loans2 | Supporting the sustainable economy | ~11 billion euro was disbursed |
of which circular economy | €8bn dedicated to the circular economy | Circular economy credit plafond3: 8.7 billion euro (of which 5.6 billion euro dedicated to green finance) disbursed 3-year agreement with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Strategic Partner 2022-2024 |
ESG-Linked loans for SMEs: S-Loan | Supporting the sustainable economy | Continuous expansion of the range of S-Loan products dedicated to SMEs to finance projects aimed at improving their sustainability profile (6 product lines: S-Loan ESG, S-Loan Diversity, S-Loan Climate Change; S-Loan Agribusiness, S-Loan Tourism and S-Loan CER). ~5.2 billion euro granted since launch, of which ~1.7 billion euro in 2023
Green and sustainable culture and initiatives | Support to SMEs/Corporate customers in achieving their sustainability objectives with specialised advisory services (at least one ESG Laboratories in each Regional Governance Centre by 2025 and ~100 dedicated ESG specialists) | Launch of 13 ESG Laboratories (Venice, Padua, Brescia, Bergamo, Cuneo, Bari-Taranto, Rome, Naples-Palermo, Milan, Turin and Florence) |
Green Bond |
Supporting the green economy | A total of ~5.17 billion euro of Green Bonds were issued in 2023. In particular: in February 2023 a dual tranche Senior Non Preferred Green bond of a total of 2.25 billion euro was placed; in March 2023 a Senior Non Preferred Green bond for the sterling market was finalised for a total face value of 600 million euro; in May 2023 a dual tranche Senior Preferred Green Bond for a total of 2.25 billion euro was placed In March 2024, the third annual Green and Social Bond Report based on the “Portfolio approach” was published. The Group report estimates the impacts and benefits of the entire portfolio of loans admissible for each of the green categories. A total of 6.5 million tonnes of CO2 eq emissions were avoided in 2023 |
Sustainable investments | Strengthening of the ESG offering in Asset management: growth of assets under management invested in ESG products to €156bn in 2025 from €110bn in 2021, increasing their level as a proportion of total assets under management from 46% to 60%
Development of dedicated ESG advisory services for Fideuram, including through the provision of specific training to financial advisors
Enhancement of engagement activities in line with the Stewardship Principles
Development of dedicated ESG advisory services for Fideuram |
Eurizon offers a diverse range of 306 products in all the asset classes (UCITS - Undertaking for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) that include a focus on environmental and/or social issues, or have sustainable investment objectives, classified according to Articles 8 and 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDR, with ~149.0 billion euro of assets representing around 73.3% (about 74% including Portfolio Management GP pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR) of the total assets of the Funds managed. Fideuram offers 97 funds classified pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR for a total of 33.3 billion euro of assets (71% of total assets under management) The figure of “ESG Ambassador” was established: for the first phase, 34 Private Bankers were selected from among the approximately 6,000 members of the Fideuram and Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Networks based on their attention to ESG issues – with the aim of promoting the culture of sustainability in the areas they belong to.
Eurizon conducted 592 engagement activities (with 343 companies), of which 228 on ESG issues (approximately 40% of the total engagements carried out in the period). Eurizon defined Engagement as the sharing of views/holding dialogues with the companies it invests in with a view to involvement and medium/long-term relationships, with the aim of monitoring and determining their commitments on specific issues, as well as taking part in the related shareholders’ meetings .Eurizon conducted 538 engagement activities, of which 271 qualified as ESG and represented 50% of the total engagements carried out in the period (34% of the total meetings) In Fideuram Asset Management SGR (FAM) and Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland) (FAMI), engagement activities were carried out respectively on 106 and 94 companies; among these, 78 (around 74%) for FAM and 82 (about 87%) for FAMI were engaged on ESG issues During the year, the Private Banking Division held 16 events aimed at customers with around 14,000 participants, of which 4,000 were customers |
Sustainable insurance | Strengthening of the unitlinked/multi-line offering with ESG investment options
Strengthening of the positioning in the non-motor damage insurance segment, including the protection of real estate assets |
80.4% (number of funds) of unit-linked investment options linked to products open to new subscriptions (excluding pension plans) are classified according to Articles 8 and 9 SFDR (in 2022 it was 72%) Earthquake and/or Flooding insurance cover provided to customers who insure their house: 38.5 billion euro of insurance value |
1 Focused on supporting green economy, circular economy and ecological transition. 2 As of 2023, reporting follows the Rules for the classification of sustainable credit products and lending transactions approved by the Group at the end of 2022. This classification includes loans falling into the environmental sustainability, social sustainability and “other sustainability” categories. More specifically, the “other sustainability” category includes nontargeted transactions associated with sustainable covenants/KPIs. These covenants/KPIs must be documentable at the proposal stage and/or during the duration of the transaction and consistent with the classification categories defined in the Rules. Sustainable loans are broken down into the three afore-mentioned categories. 3 Credit plafond dedicated to the circular and green economy, which may include specific incentives. |
Latest news
Intesa Sanpaolo and GSE have signed a memorandum of cooperation to foster the integration of ESG and sustainable development issues in the financial sector and the Italian business community.
Read moreIntesa Sanpaolo presents its new “Motore Italia Transizione Energetica” programme, which confirms €76 billion in support of business investment in renewable energy and encourages the creation of renewable energy communities (RECs).
Read moreFlexible and customizable paths to improve your ESG skills.
Read more
Easier access to credit and additional support to investments in sustainability for Enel value chain companies.
Insights on ESG transition
Green economy: loans and services
We have always paid special attention to the offer of green products and services also to contribute to the fight against climate change.
Support to the Circular Economy
Our Group promotes the spread of the circular model, also with the support of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
Sustainable investments
Our offer of sustainable investments to finance environmental-related projects.
Green Bonds
The commitment to the Green Economy through the issuance of bonds dedicated to the financing of environmental sustainability projects.
Documents and indicators
Documents relating to environmental reporting and information relevant to the investors are available below.
2023 Documents | |
2023 Climate Report | |
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2023: | |
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy | |
Climate change | |
Environment indicators - pdf | |
Environment indicators - excel | |
Green and Social Bond Report 2023 |
Documents of previous years | |
2022 TCFD Report |
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2022: | |
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy | |
Climate Change | |
Environment indicators - pdf | |
Environment indicators - excel | |
2022 Green Bond Report |
Green Bonds Documents | |
Bond issued in March 2023: | |
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022 | |
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022 | |
Press note | |
Bond issued in February 2023: | |
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022 | |
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022 | |
Press note | |
Social Bond issued in October 2022: | |
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022 | |
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022 | |
Investor presentation | |
Press note | |
Bond issued in August 2022: | |
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022 | |
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022 | |
Investor presentation | |
Press note | |
Bond issued in November 2019: | |
Green Bond focused on Circular Economy Report - 2020 | |
Press Release | |
Intesa Sanpaolo Sustainability Bond Framework |
Second Party Opinion by ISS ESG |
Investor presentation | |
Bond issued in June 2017: |
Green Bond Report 2020 | |
Green Bond Report 2019 |
Green Bond Report 2018 |
Green Bond Framework |
Green Bond Presentation | |
Green Bond Press Release |
Last updated 10 February 2025 at 09:06:27