UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Intesa Sanpaolo participates in the Global Compact initiative and is an active member of the community of businesses that support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, set by the Un's 2030 Agenda and signed by 193 countries, including Italy, at the end of 2015.
SDGs in Intesa Sanpaolo
Main actions in 2023:
- in 2023, the total monetary contribution to the community amounted to ~101 million euro, 22% of which for social solidarity reasons, 13% for economic development and 5.7% for addressing civil and humanitarian emergencies.
- Food and shelter for the needy project: in 2022-2023, over 36.8 million actions were carried out with ~30 million meals, ~3.3 million dormitories/beds, ~3.2 million medical prescriptions and 446,000 items of clothing provided
- 5.5 billion euro was allocated to social lending
- a total of 252 million euro of loans was disbursed in support of non-profit organisations
- ~71 million euro was allocated to support the needs of individuals and families to ensure wider and more sustainable access to credit, with dedicated programmes
- new partnerships were launched with Coima and Redo to give new impetus to MilanoSesto, the biggest urban regeneration project in Italy. Financial and advisory support to the Coima, Covivio and Prada consortium for the project of the former Porta Romana railway station where the Olympic Village will be built~15.7 million euro was granted through Intesa Sanpaolo’s Charity
- allowance to support 700 projects carried out by non-profit organisations, with 99% of resources allocated to measures to assist more vulnerable sections of society (>70% target amply exceeded)
Main objectives:
- new loans to support non-profit businesses and vulnerable and young people for 25 billion euro
- support for people in need with around 50 million actions (meals, beds, medicines and items of clothing) and the expansion of the “Cibo e riparo per i bisognosi” programme
- project to promote the development of 6,000-8,000 social housing units and beds for students.
- Fund for Impact, which permits the disbursement of loans to sections of society who find it hard to access credit despite their potential.
- significant ESG commitment, with a world-class position in Social Impact.

Main 2023 actions:
- monetary contributions to the community amounted to ~101 million euro, 41.7% of which for art and culture and 3.3% for healthcare
- in 2023, within the perimeter of Intesa Sanpaolo’s local sites in Italy, there was 1 actual and 2 attempted robberies, as compared to 9 actual and 5 attempted robberies in 2022
- over 3,000 accesses to the Consultation and Support psychological support service in 2023
- Carelab platform: accessed by over 70% of the population within the scope (Italy and Serbia) in 2023.
- the Group health fund assisted around 246,000 people with ~200 million euro of covered healthcare services net of excesses
- review of working methods with the trade unions in May 2023 which further improved the flexibility measures in the area of working hours and remote work, introducing a voluntary 4-day working week with equal pay.
Main objectives:
- large-scale employee well-being and health and safety initiatives (e.g. new office spaces, gyms, healthy food, business travel safety)
- continuous focus on the safety of customers and employees
- Welfare promotion.
Main actions in 2023:
- the Group’s training solutions prioritised digital channels with quick, simple and interactive forms of participation, providing around 13.5 million hours of training in 2023, 12.2 million of which in digital form (~50 million in 2022-2025)
- ESG training accounted for approximately 19% of total training. Almost 86,800 Group’s people (93% of the total) have benefited from more than 1 million hours1 of ESG training
- the ESG Laboratories initiative also continued: after the opening of the first ESG Laboratory in October 2021 in Brescia and the launch of 9 workshops in 2022, new Laboratories were also opened in the Italian provinces of Milan, Turin and Florence in 2023. The ESG Laboratories are a physical and virtual meeting places to support SMEs in their approach to sustainability and an evolution of the advisory services provided by the partners (e.g. Circularity, Nativa, CE Lab and others)
- the European Regulatory & Public Affairs (ERPA) function carried out internal training initiatives to raise awareness among the Group’s people on environmental issues being discussed by European regulators.
- As part of the mandatory “30-hour” training course at Eurizon Capital SGR, three courses were held on ESG ratings, sustainability and green bonds, involving over 290 people
- Digit’Ed continued to develop digital training activities dedicated to businesses through the Skills4Capital training platform, with the goal of supporting the growth of businesses, developing skills and taking advantage of the opportunities that arise in a continuously evolving market. Training programmes focused on ESG issues were also provided
- the third edition of the higher education course at the Gallerie d’Italia Academy for young managers of cultural assets took place in 2023 (30 students, 8 scholarships)
- the Gallerie d’Italia organised free educational activities, such as: 3,670 educational workshops involving over 83,000 local school students and around 520 courses involving approximately 6,620 people with disabilities and in vulnerable situations; initiatives included the project with the police headquarters of Naples to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
- monetary contributions to the community amounted to ~101 million euro, 8.4% of which for teaching and research
- through the Savings Museum, around 44,300 users benefitted from financial culture training and information in 2023, 34,300 of whom were pupils from schools of all levels. Through dedicated educational projects and educational visits, over 1,500 hours of training were provided in which 16,400 students and 3,070 adults and teachers took part
- Intesa Sanpaolo collaborates with over 60 Italian and international universities (in particular Oxford and Cambridge). In 2023, over 60 Agreements were signed and various partnerships all over Italy continued; more than 130 scholarships and research grants were also awarded to young students and researchers
- The “Giovani e Lavoro” (Youth and Work) Programme, in partnership with Generation Italy, is geared towards the training and placement of 5,000 young people in the Italian employment market (3,000 in 2022-2025): over 6,300 young people (aged 18-29) submitted their applications in 2023 (over 37,800 since 2019); over 2,000 students were interviewed and around 920 trained/being trained through 37 courses in 2023 (around 8,900 students interviewed and over 3,900 students trained/being trained since 2019);
- Intesa Sanpaolo is the main sponsor of the “Generation4Universities” project, developed by Generation and McKinsey & Company, aimed at helping students in their last year of university to embark on successful professional careers. The programme that finished in July involved 94 students from 36 universities and 22 leading Italian companies as potential employers. As of 31 December, about 50 internships had already been activated
- P-Tech, an initiative in partnership con IBM, aims to provide young professionals with new digital skills: in 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo was also directly involved, delivering 3 webinars, 1 end-of-year online workshop on the Bank’s activities and several mentoring meetings
- Launch of the “School4life” project with careers guidance for young people who may risk dropping out from school. Intesa Sanpaolo has chosen to deliver its educational offer to more than 500 pupils in 8 middle schools
- Through the “Tesi in Azienda” (Thesis in the Company) project, Intesa Sanpaolo supports students in the preparation of their degree or PhD thesis. The project involved about 230 students in 2023.
- “Per Merito”, the first unsecured credit line dedicated to all university students resident in Italy that study in Italy.
Main objectives:
- Creation of a unique ecosystem of expertise in line with the development of the Bank via ~50 million hours of training in 2022-2025
- 100% of Group people trained in ESG by 2025
- supporting training and access to the Italian labour market for 3,000 young people in 2022-2025 through the Giovani e Lavoro programme
- Fund for Impact, which permits the disbursement of loans to sections of society who find it hard to access credit despite their potential
- support to SMEs/Corporate customers in achieving their sustainability objectives by increasing the specialised advisory services provided through the activation of at least one ESG Workshop in each Regional Governance Centre by 2025 and ~100 dedicated ESG specialists
- ongoing commitment to culture through the promotion of the Group’s heritage
1 The data shown do not include the training initiatives already detailed in dedicated tables (see those relating to the different regulatory areas), even though they fall within the ESG area.

Main actions in 2023:
- constant breakdown by category and gender with respect to the total population. There are almost 15,000 female managers (executives and middle managers) in the Group, representing 29.6% of all female employees. Women managers account for 40.1% of all managerial staff (39.4% in 2022)
- 28 appointments to senior positions in 2023: 9 of these (32%) were women
- Intesa Sanpaolo is: i) the top bank in Europe and the only Italian bank listed among the 100 most inclusive and diversity-aware workplaces, according to the Refinitiv Global Diversity and Inclusion Index 2023 ii) included for the sixth consecutive year in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023 iii) classified in first place, among large-cap companies, in the Best Company for Diversity Equity & Inclusion category of the global ESG Corporate Award rankings iv) the first major Italian banking group to obtain the “Prassi di Riferimento (PDR) 125:2022” gender equality certification introduced by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). Two audits were successfully performed: a mid-term audit to maintain the Gender Equality European & International Standard (GEEIS) Diversity Certification, acquired in 2021, and an annual audit to renew the National Gender Equality Certification
- monitoring began of the 2023 Diversity & Inclusion goals for each Division and Governance Area; the collaboration with ISPROUD, the first community of Group employees (to date >1,000 LGBTQ+ people and allies), was strengthened.
- with regard to the Parks LGBT+ Diversity Index 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo demonstrated the “Best Improvement”
- Mamma@work, a highly subsidised loan launched in July 2020 to help mothers of young children balance motherhood and work commitments continued. During 2023, 1.3 million euro were granted to about 250 mothers.
- the Business Gemma loan supports businesses run by women and selfemployed women, benefitting free of charge from the guarantee of the special section of the SME Fund for Women’s Entrepreneurship. In 2023, 14 loans were disbursed for a total of 7.3 million euro
- part of the S-Loan initiative, a loan dedicated to SMEs for projects aimed at improving their sustainability profile, S-Loan Diversity is designed to support and promote gender equality and the role of women in the socio-economic context.
Main objectives:
- Launch of dedicated initiatives to ensure diversity and inclusion are fully promoted
- 50 new female appointments to senior positions in 2022-2025
- Fund for Impact, which allows the disbursement of loans to sections of society who find it hard to access credit despite their potential

Main actions in 2023:
- ~3.7 billion euro of loans were granted in the area of environmental sustainability, equal to 6.2% of all credit issued. The main products included Green mortgages (over 1.7 billion euro disbursed)
- Circular Economy: 366 projects valued at ~11.7 billion euro were assessed and validated; 242 transactions worth ~7.2 billion euro approved (of which 4.8 billion euro related to green criteria) and 5.6 billion euro disbursed taking account of previously agreed projects (4.7 billion euro of which related to green criteria), meeting the 2025 target in advance.
- In 2023 the Group significantly increased its number of Green bonds,
- taking its place among the leading European bank issuers of the year. Total green issues amounted to 5.17 billion euro and, thanks to the latest issue, the Green Bond Ratio, i.e. the percentage of green bonds outstanding at year end, came to ~19.9%.
- ~88% renewable energy purchased versus total purchases in 2023. The Group itself produced 1,387 MWh of energy from renewable photovoltaic sources.
Main objectives:
- customer support through the ESG/climate transition
- 8 billion euro credit plafond for the circular economy
- further boost to sustainable credit for retail customers with special emphasis on the ecological transition: 12 billion euro of green loans to individuals
- 100% renewable electricity at Group level in 2030 (level already reached in Italy in 2021)
- maintenance of electricity production levels from photovoltaic energy.

Main actions in 2023:
- approximately 60.4 billion euro of new mid-term credit issued, with around 40.3 billion euro in Italy, roughly 35 billion euro of which to families and small and medium-sized enterprises
- in 2023 the Group facilitated the return from non-performing to performing status of around 3,600 Italian companies (over 140,800 since 2014), retaining about 18,000 jobs (704,000 since 2014)
- an offer is being developed to support the sustainable evolution of the supply chains, with the engagement of the chain leader and the suppliers to improve their sustainability profile. At the end of 2023, the leading companies participating in the Programma Sviluppo Filiere related to over 880 supply chains with a potential of about 20,500 suppliers and a workforce of over 113,000 employees
- Intesa Sanpaolo implemented the agreement finalised in late 2022 with the European Investment Fund (EIF) for the concession of guarantees to businesses as part of the InvestEU programme. These guarantees aim to facilitate the access to credit of SMEs and Small Midcaps through the concession of medium to long-term loans with a focus on sustainability, supported by a 100 million euro credit line, and on innovation, supported by an additional 200 million euro credit line.
- Intesa Sanpaolo undertook to strengthen its ESG solutions in the area of asset management through the launch of new sustainable funds: at the end of 2023, its sustainable AuM amounted to around 149 billion euro, equal to around 73.3% of its total AuM. Fideuram offers 97 funds classified pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of the SFDR for a total of 33.3 billion euro of assets (71% of total assets under management).
- the first three editions of the “Digital Restart” Programme - a Private Banking Division programme geared to the training and placement of unemployed people aged between 40 and 50 on the job market through the funding of scholarships for the Master’s in Data Analysis which provides professionals with training on the analysis and management of data and information to support the decision-making process - concluded in the first half of 2023 involving 75 participants, 49 of whom found new employment
- under the agreements signed, in order to guarantee generational change without social impacts, together with new professional reallocation possibilities, around 9,200 employees left on an exclusively voluntary basis due to retirement or through access to the sector Solidarity Fund, which will be implemented within the Group by 31 March 2025.
- around 2,250 professionals were hired in 2023. The Group’s employment policies also include the recruitment of new staff under a mixed contract (over 980 people employed at the end of 2023)
- the reallocation and upskilling of resources focused on priority initiatives with high added value for the Bank. In detail, in 2023 these activities involved ~2,000 people and were mainly connected with the Plan’s priority initiatives.
- Performance Share Plan (PSP): long-term share-based incentive plan for Management aimed at supporting the objectives of the 2022-2025 Business Plan and shaping performances in terms of sustainability. More specifically, with regard to the latter, a composite ESG KPI was introduced which acts as a de-multiplier by reducing - depending on the level of achievement - the number of shares vested at maturity according to the achievement of the Business Plan’s objectives
- LECOIP 3.0: long-term incentive plan based on Certificates having Intesa Sanpaolo shares as underlying and aimed at all Professionals in Italy, to which 45,629 people have signed up; in particular, with reference to ESG, a minimum return on the capital initially allocated is expected upon the achievement by the Group of the same composite ESG KPI contemplated in the Performance Share Plan (PSP)
- over 240 talents have completed the development path of the International Talent Program with another ~240 resources currently involved.
- ~470 key people identified, particularly among Middle Management, for dedicated development and training initiatives.
Main objectives:
- ~328 billion euro of new mediumto-long-term lending provided to the real economy, of which 285 billion euro in Italy (cumulative value 2022-2025)
- hiring of ~4,600 professionals in 2022-2025
- programme to reallocate/reskill ~8,000 Group people to distribute excess capacity to the priorities of the Business Plan. “Future leaders” programme targeting ~1,000 talents and key people at Group level
- strengthening of the ESG offering in Asset management : growth of assets under management invested in ESG products to 156 billion euro in 2025 from 110 billion euro in 2021, increasing their level as a proportion of total assets under management from 46% to 60%.

Main actions in 2023:
- the new Isybank Digital Bank was launched in 2023: “Domain Isy Tech” Delivery Unit already operational with ~ 470 dedicated specialists, contract with Thought Machine finalised and technology master plan defined. The offer structure and functionalities of Isybank were defined.
- to effectively support the transformation process, the activities of two programmes continued: new Group Technology, which aims to transform the IT operating model by aligning it with the best practices of the IT structures of digital players on the market, Falcon, aimed at re-insourcing IT capabilities by hiring ~2,000 resources over the period of the Plan.
- new ways of working were introduced, the transformation of the structures was carried out, specific roles were brought in for the monitoring and development of capabilities (New Group Technology) and 686 resources were hired
- the Intesa Sanpaolo mobile app, was named “Overall Digital Experience Leader” by Forrester also in 2023, ranking first among all banking apps in the EMEA area. The app is used as a gateway by over 12.5 million multi-channel customers with around 2 billion logins and 178 million transactions a year and supports the purchase of products and services on the Group’s digital channels, which account for almost 40% of Banca dei Territori’s total sales
- as part of the agreement signed with TIM and Google, the migration of applications to the Google Cloud Platform in Italy continued, a project aimed at providing Intesa Sanpaolo with Google cloud services on TIM’s Italian Data Centres that meet the highest international security and information confidentiality standards
- carried out 204 innovation projects via the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center
- launched 12 projects in the field of neuroscience and artificial intelligence and robotics (16 ongoing)
- promoted initiatives for the growth of start-ups and the development of innovation ecosystems, currently ongoing in 6 cities (Turin, Florence, Naples, Venice, Ancona and Taranto)
- made investments of >31 million euro in startups via Neva SGR in 2023 (>85 million euro since 2022)
- the Bank committed to around 639 million euro of new investments to support initiatives in the area of student housing, sustainable services and infrastructure, in addition to the most important urban regeneration initiatives ongoing in Italy (over 1.2 billion euro in 2022-2023).
Main objectives:
- structural cost reduction, enabled by technology: 2 billion euro of cost savings despite 5 billion euro of investments in technology and growth
- creation of a new Digital Bank to effectively serve a significant portion of Intesa Sanpaolo customers who do not visit branches: 4 million customers
- promoting innovation through: - around 800 projects in 2022-2025, 70% more than in 2018-2021; - 100 million euro of NEVA SGR investments in start-ups

Main actions in 2023:
- The activities of the DE&I Control Room for the monitoring of the gender equality commitments defined in the Diversity Equity & Inclusion Principles continued
- With regard to combating sexual harassment, a new mandatory course on the topic, aimed at the entire Group, was organised in 2023. A listening and psychological support and legal information service dedicated to the victims of sexual harassment was provided in 2023 as well, which can be accessed free of charge and is managed by external professionals
- the collaboration with ISPROUD, the Group’s first community of
- employees, which now includes more than 1,000 LGBTQ+ people and allies, was strengthened
- all people with roles of responsibility (over 6,600 people, i.e. the entire management population in Italy) were involved in the managerial discussion courses on Inclusive Leadership; the initiative was also extended to the International Subsidiary Banks Division (with the exception of Pravex)
- in the two-year period 2022-2023, 43 new appointments to senior positions were made: 18 of these (42%) were women and 25 (58%) men
- in the context of the Fund for Impact: Mamma@work, a subsidised loan to reconcile motherhood and work; “per avere Cura”, a loan intended for families with members that are not self-sufficient; “per Crescere”, a credit line for parents with school-age children.
- the so-called Global Banding mapping system for organisational managerial positions within the company, which objectively evaluates the relative value of different organisational roles and represents in a more organic and objective way the responsibilities of each Manager, was consolidated, including through the use of an international title valid for managerial positions in Italy and abroad.
Main objectives:
- promotion of an inclusive and diverse environment thanks to a set of dedicated initiatives and a focus on gender equality
- ~50% of women in new appointments to senior positions (1-2 organisational levels below the Managing Director and CEO)
- Fund for Impact, which allows the disbursement of loans to sections of society who find it hard to access credit despite their potential.

Main actions in 2023:
- the total monetary contribution to the community amounted to ~101 million euro, 41.7% of which to support art and culture, 22% for social solidarity reasons, 13% for economic development, 5.7% for addressing civil and humanitarian emergencies, 8.4% for teaching and research, 3.3% for healthcare and 1.6% for the environment
- the monetary contribution to the dimension of Art and Culture in 2023 amounted to over 42 million euro
- the Gallerie d’Italia welcomed about 680,000 visitors (free admission for under the age of 18). In addition, 3,670 workshops were held for schools (over 83,000 students) and 520 programmes were organised for vulnerable audiences (around 6,620 participants), all of which free of charge. 1,080 visits and activities for adults and families, 370 cultural events and initiatives (around 49,850 participants)
- 363 works of art from the collections owned by the Bank on loan to 73 temporary exhibitions in national and international venues
- the third edition of the Executive Course for young managers of cultural assets was held (30 students, 8 scholarships)
- partnerships were developed with institutions and museums across Italy, for example Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023 (11.6 million visitors)
- the activities of the Sharing Energy Project, to combat energy poverty, for the creation of Solidarity Energy Communities promoted by Third Sector organisations, continued. A major experiment in Naples with the Fondazione di Comunità San Gennaro has been going on for three years
- the partnership with the FAI (the Italian Environmental Fund) continued for the 11th edition of “I Luoghi del Cuore”; the initiative, which since 2003 has collected 10 million votes in favour of over 39,000 places in more than 6,500 municipalities, saw Intesa Sanpaolo support 162 restoration and improvement projects in 20 regions, triggering a series of virtuous actions in the areas involved
- the Bank supports green projects of Retail customers including: Green Mortgage: a subsidised mortgage for the purchase, construction or redevelopment of a residential property in Italy to ensure a high energy class. In 2023, around 12,100 green mortgages of a total value of approximately 1.7 billion euro were issued. EeMAP (Energy efficient Mortgages Action Plan) project, a European initiative that aims to create energy efficient mortgages, with a view to encouraging the redevelopment of buildings and the purchase of highly efficient properties
- the Bank committed to around 639 million euro of new loans to support investments in student housing, sustainable services and infrastructure, in addition to the most important urban regeneration initiatives ongoing in Italy.
Main objectives:
- ongoing commitment to culture through: - the promotion of the Group’s heritage through the expansion of the Gallerie d’Italia exhibition space; partnership with museums and national and international public/private institutions; sponsorship of cultural activities and events; contribution to protecting Italy’s artistic heritage.
- project to promote the development of 6,000-8,000 social housing units and beds for students
- 12 billion euro of new Green loans to individuals

Main actions in 2023:
- continuation of the collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, of which Intesa Sanpaolo is Strategic Partner, with a new 3-year agreement for the 2022-2024 period
- the Intesa Sanpaolo’s commitment to innovatively redefining its business strategies, ensuring financial support for investments to facilitate the redesign of the industrial system, was confirmed as a strategic objective in the 2022-2025 Business Plan
- the Bank made 8 billion euro of credit lines available to the circular economy: in 2023, 366 projects valued at 11.7 billion euro were assessed, 242 transactions worth 7.2 billion euro approved (of which 4.8 billion euro related to green criteria), and 5.6 billion euro disbursed (4.7 billion euro of which related to green criteria); the partnership with Cariplo Factory for the Circular Economy Lab was also renewed
- according to the Code of Ethics, the Rules for the environmental and energy policy and the Green Banking Procurement rules, the Group’s responsibilities include the close evaluation of the consequences of its activities on ecosystems and the reduction of its environmental footprint. For this reason, the responsible management of resources is a priority issue for the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in its attempts to mitigate its impact on the environment.
Main objectives:
- New lending to support the ecological transition: 8 billion euro dedicated to the circular economy

Main actions in 2023:
- in February 2022 the intermediate reduction targets for 2030, aligned with Net-Zero, were published for the Oil&Gas, Power Generation, Automotive and coal mining sectors, covering over 60% of the financed emissions of the non-financial companies’ portfolio in the sectors identified by the NZBA
- in 2023 the target setting activities for new sectors continued, as did the processing of data and documentation that has been presented in March 2024 for SBTi validation
- in October 2022, Eurizon Capital SGR, Fideuram Asset Management SGR, Fideuram Asset Management Ireland and the Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group published their first interim targets. In May 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group presented its annual report on its progress at NZAOA. In September 2023, Eurizon Capital SGR, Fideuram Asset Management SGR and Fideuram Asset Management Ireland completed the first annual report on their Net Zero progress via the PRI platform
- the Group has drafted the transition plan, respecting the requirements of the NZBA and following the indications of GFANZ (Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero)
- “Think Forestry”, the project for reforestation and the preservation of natural capital, was launched to promote environmental sustainability and the transition towards a net zero economy
- results achieved in 2023 regarding the Own Emissions Plan: against the 2030 target of a 53% reduction in total emissions linked to Scope1 + Scope2 Market-Based energy consumption (with 2019 baseline), a 28% reduction was recorded; renewable electricity purchases came to around 90% of total electricity purchases, with a goal of achieving 100% by the end of 2030. In addition, compared with 2022, total Scope1 + Scope2 Market-Based greenhouse gas emissions fell by 9%
- as part of the risk management framework, the governance of ESG risk factors is outlined in the various primary risk categories (credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risks and reputational risks) and develops in close integration with the oversight of reputational risks, enhancing the interconnections between these risk profiles. ESG risk, as the risk stemming from the potential negative impacts of a company or activity on the environment, people and communities, and also including risks related to corporate governance, may have impacts on profitability, on reputation and on credit quality and may entail legal consequences
- in 2021-2023, ~44.9 billion euro of the 76 billion euro of new lending relating to the application areas of Mission 2(5) of the NRRP was disbursed
- in 2023, ~3.7 billion euro of environmental sustainability loans were disbursed, equal to 6.2% of all credit issued. The main products included Green mortgages, which accounted for ~1.7 billion euro (over 4.3 billion euro in 2022-2023).
- With regard to the Circular Economy credit plafond, 366 projects valued at 11.7 billion euro were assessed and validated in 2023; in addition, 242 transactions worth 7.2 billion euro were approved (of which 4.8 billion euro related to green criteria) and 5.6 billion euro was disbursed (of which 4.7 billion euro related to green criteria).
- with regard to the range of S-Loan products dedicated to SMEs to finance projects aimed at improving their sustainability profile (6 product lines: S-Loan ESG, S-Loan Diversity, S-Loan Climate Change, S-Loan Agribusiness, S-Loan Tourism and S-Loan CER), ~1.7 billion euro was disbursed in 2023 (~5.2 billion euro since their launch in July 2020)
- Carbon neutrality of own emissions by 2030
- Net Zero by 2050 with regard to both its own emissions and those relating to the loan and investment portfolios, asset management and the insurance business - with participation in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), the Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) and the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA)
- support for the Green and Circular Economy and the ecological transition of companies, for which 76 billion euro of loans was made available over the time horizon of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in 2021-2026 (out of a total of over 400 billion euro for businesses and households to support the NRRP), of which 8 billion euro dedicated to the circular economy
- 12 billion euro of new Green loans to individuals in the 2022-2025 Business Plan
- new Own Emissions Plan to reduce direct emissions: 100% of electricity purchased from renewable sources; a reduction of at least 53% in Scope 1 and 2 Market-Based emissions compared with 2019. Remaining emissions at 2030 will be offset with specific projects.

Main actions in 2023:
- the Anti-corruption Guidelines, updated by the Board of Directors in March 2020, define the Group’s commitment to comply with the regulatory provisions aimed at combating corruption in all its forms
- on 29 September 2023, the Intesa Sanpaolo Board of Directors approved the update of the Group Anti-Corruption Guidelines with various provisions, such as the inclusion among the disbursements subject to the Guidelines of association activities, which in terms of risk can be equated to donations. There were continued checks on the consistency of the detailed internal regulations with the general principles set out in the Anti-Corruption Guidelines, in order to implement the necessary alignment, in addition to the analysis of the anti-corruption controls currently in place in the individual highest risk areas, in order to identify any strengthening measures. More specifically, the process regulations for the management of gifts and entertainment expenses, asset management and the sale of movable assets were updated
- in 2023 the first of two scheduled audits for renewing the UNI ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems certification was concluded, with an expansion of the scope which includes Intesa Sanpaolo - as well as its international branches - the banking entities, and the main financial and insurance companies
- at Intesa Sanpaolo training on anti-corruption and anti-money laundering is mandatory and follows multi-year cycles, also according to local regulations. In 2023, 88,485 Group people (over 94% of the total) were provided with a total of 387,721 hours of training.
Main objectives:
- Ongoing verification of the consistency of internal regulations with the Anti-corruption Guidelines and the Antibribery Management System.

Main actions in 2023:
- Intesa Sanpaolo participates in numerous initiatives/partnerships that support and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and are linked to issues relevant to the Group’s strategy and its stakeholders. For further information, see the paragraph “Commitment to domestic and international initiatives, partnerships and strategies for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”

Last updated 30 May 2024 at 09:52:07