Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The enhancement of people, their diversity and inclusion policies are a fundamental element of the people strategy and an essential ingredient in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. Companies that are able to express a high rate of diversity – for example gender, age, cultural and professional background – can have a wider spectrum of views, opinions and experiences, thus bringing greater value to policy decisions.
For years Intesa Sanpaolo has been committed to enhancing the diversity and promoting inclusion as essential components for the Group's growth. The Structure Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I), reporting directly to the Chief People and Culture Officer, presides over the implementation of all DE&I initiatives.
Intesa Sanpaolo's inclusion view is made explicit within a policy, which has respect, talent enhancement, meritocracy and equal opportunities as its basic values.
There are numerous projects and initiatives launched by the Group over time, in terms of diversity and inclusion.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Principles
The commitment to inclusion is increasingly important and this is why the bank has adopted a specific policy: the Principles on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. In this document, Intesa Sanpaolo expresses its policy of inclusion towards all forms of diversity and based on respect for all people, on meritocracy and equal opportunities, also assuming concrete commitments in promoting an inclusive environment and defining the expected behaviors by everyone. A specific section is dedicated to commitments on gender equity, aimed at ensuring fair opportunities in the processes of hiring, promotion to roles of responsibility, promotions to the first managerial roles and in the succession plan for top management.
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Principles – a document that accompanies the Code of Ethics, the Human Rights Principles and the Internal Code of Conduct, reinforcing the message on the values that are the hallmark of the Group and that inspire all processes, initiatives and behaviours – was updated in 2023, and the new version was approved by the Board of Directors. The changes to the content of the document expressly state the non-tolerance of any form of discrimination, the explicit commitment to training and awareness on DE&I issues, the integration of the commitment to same-sex couples, previously set forth in another internal regulatory document, and a greater attention to the use of increasingly inclusive and respectful language. This last aspect was of great importance in the context of the 2023 inclusion projects.
A further objective, introduced in the new 2022-2025 Group Plan, focuses attention on senior leadership roles: Intesa Sanpaolo is committed to ensuring that the new appointments for senior positions - first and second reported by the CEO - are balanced by gender in Business Plan period.
In the two-year period 2022-2023, 43 new appointments to senior positions were made: 18 of these (42%) were women and 25 (58%) men.
The Group's commitment to inclusion is also aimed at suppliers
One of Intesa Sanpaolo's objectives is to spread the value of inclusion not only within the Group but also externally, in the socio-economic context and in the territories in which it operates. In this context, a fundamental role is played by suppliers.
For this reason, Intesa Sanpaolo has produced a disclosure document on the Principles on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion dedicated to these partners, through which suppliers become aware of the commitments and values expressed in this document. The Principles on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion are thus shared with all the Group's suppliers, describing the expected behaviours, so that these are always based on the principles of inclusion, respect and meritocracy, which represent the founding values of the Group.
Intesa Sanpaolo also sends its suppliers a questionnaire dedicated to ESG issues which evaluates, among the many merit criteria examined, also their commitment to inclusion and the fight against all forms of discrimination and harassment. The positioning of suppliers in the main international indexes and the acquisition of certifications dedicated to inclusion issues are also highly valued.
More than a thousand of the Group's suppliers confirmed that they have implemented policies to protect diversity and inclusion and mechanisms, tools and processes to combat discrimination and harassment. In addition, thirty large suppliers are included in the international Diversity & Inclusion and Gender Equality Indexes and more than twenty have acquired at least one certification in the field of inclusion.
The dialogue on the value of inclusion
The dissemination of the culture of inclusion is a fundamental element of the Group's D&I strategy and translates into training, communication and awareness-raising initiatives towards all people, at all organizational levels.
The culture of inclusion starts from the top, with the involvement of all top management in a managerial discussion on Inclusive Leadership, which has been gradually extended to all managerial levels and has involved, during the years, over 6,600 managers (the entire management population in Italy). The initiative was also extended to the International Subsidiary Banks Division.
There are also many listening initiatives that involve the entire company population, with the aim of understanding their perceptions and needs and providing valuable insights for defining the Group's inclusion initiatives.
Additional digital initiatives to raise awareness on inclusion are periodically conveyed to specific targets, such as management, key figures in HR Management or people included in particular growth paths, through specific formats and platforms.
The “Parole di tutto rispetto - Words of all respect” project continues, dedicated to inclusive communication born from the collaboration between the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Structure, the Internal Communication Structures and with the support of a working group created within the Chief People and Culture Officer. The main objective is to collect, in an internal document, suggestions and good practices for using a more respectful and accessible language starting from phrases used in everyday life which often hide unconscious biases and prejudices. The project is enriched with awareness and training initiatives, aimed at the company population, on the importance of awareness in the use of language and individual responsibility which is important to create an inclusive environment
Rules for combatting sexual harassment
To confirm the Group's strong commitment to preventing and combating any form of discrimination and harassment, the Rules for combatting sexual harassment have been drawn up.
The document describes the conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and formalizes the commitments of Intesa Sanpaolo and all the Group people to ensure a work environment inspired by the principles of protection of the dignity and inviolability of the person. The reporting management process is also described in all its phases, with clear timescales for managing them.
A mandatory training course dedicated to the topic of sexual harassment has been created, the focus of which is enriched year by year with specific insights. During 2022, in particular, the topic of sexual harassment was addressed also in relation to the concepts of emotional orientations and gender identity. A new edition of this mandatory training course was designed and released in 2023, which addressed the topic of reporting and the related management process. The functions that deal with the management of reports have received specific psychological and legal training to better carry out their role.
As part of the Group's commitment on the topic, a psychological support and legal information service has also been established, available to all victims of sexual harassment. The service, which makes use of the support of highly experienced professionals in the psychological and psychotherapeutic fields, is also extended to sexual harassment that occurs outside the work context.
Commitments and awards
Intesa Sanpaolo is the first bank in Italy and among the first in Europe to receive the Gender Equality European & International Standard (GEEIS-Diversity), an international certification of the Arborus Association issued through Bureau Veritas and aimed at evaluating and enhancing the commitment of organizations on diversity and inclusion. The certificate obtained refers to all the banks and companies of the Group in Italy.
In 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo was also subject to and passed the maintenance audit of the certification, acquired in 2021

We are the first major Italian banking group to obtain the certification for gender parity laid down by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), thanks to its commitment to matters of diversity and inclusion.
In particular, Intesa Sanpaolo has stood out for the involvement and commitment of its top management with regard to initiatives of diversity and inclusion; for the Principles on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, for its DE&I Strategic Plan for the enhancement of diversity as essential component for the Group's growth; for the work of the D&I Operating Committee which has the aim to disseminate an inclusive culture in constant dialogue with the internal structures.
The certification also includes the main companies of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group: Eurizon Capital SGR, Fideuram Asset Management SGR and the Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group.
In 2023 the Group has passed the required maintenance audit, which confirmed the value and effectiveness of the inclusion initiatives undertaken by the Group.
Intesa Sanpaolo has signed the Women's Empowerment Principles, promoted by the United Nations Organization, define guidelines for companies on which to base concrete actions for gender equity and women's empowerment. According to these principles, companies are committed to promoting gender equity and ensuring, with transparency, professional development, safety, well-being and health for all women and workers.
Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment to gender equity is recognized by various international indices, including Bloomberg, which analyzes listed companies with capitalization greater than one billion dollars and includes in its Gender Equality Index those that stand out mostcommitment to reduce the gender gap. Intesa Sanpaolo, in 2023, is among the 484 companies cited in the Index, obtaining a score higher than 87.
Intesa Sanpaolo is also the first bank in Europe and the only italian bank in the Refinitiv Global Diversity and Inclusion Index 2023, which selects the 100 companies in the world listed on the stock exchange, the most inclusive and attentive to diversity in the workplace. Each year, Refinitiv evaluates the work of listed corporate companies in terms of diversity and inclusion: being included in this index represents a further recognition of the Group's commitment to inclusion.
Financial Times - Diversity Leaders 2024
The Financial Times has published the “Diversity Leaders 2024” report on diversity and inclusion in companies. The report includes a representative ranking of employers from across Europe who have stood out on the increasingly important topic of managing diversity in the company. Intesa Sanpaolo was included among the Diversity Leaders in 59th place out of 850 companies analyzed (second bank in Italy).
In 2023, the International Subsidiary Banks confirmed and enriched the various commitments in order to strengthen the DE&I Structure through a number of local initiatives. Among these, Banca Intesa Beograd was awarded the “Family Friendly Award 2023” by the Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia for the various initiatives in favour of its employees and in support of families, thanks also to dedicated partnerships (e.g. UNICEF). Alexbank joined the Egyptian Gender Equity Seal, a certification process successfully completed in 2022, in collaboration with the National Council for Women, aimed at promoting equality and removing gender discrimination, which focuses on four areas: recruitment, professional development, work/family balance and policies against sexual harassment.
In 2023, Alexbank launched a series of meetings on issues related to female leadership aimed at increasing and enriching the set of skills required for good leadership in a context of increasing complexity. CIB Bank, as part of the “Family Friendly Place” certification, continued in 2023 with various initiatives in favour of its employees (e.g. “Womentoring programme” and “Female Leader Training Programme”). VÚB Banka and PBZ continued with dedicated training initiatives (e.g. “Women leadership academy” and “Women mentoring programme”). In addition, at the Division level, in the context of “People First”, a programme – designed in the Human Resources area – that puts people at the centre and guides them towards change, an initiative called “Women4Future” was launched: a committee of 21 top ISBD female managers united by a common goal: to collaborate and share their perspectives in a dedicated space with the aim of driving innovation and bringing positive changes within the Division.
Main nationalities in the Group's people
The Group, through the Principles on Human Rights, the Code of Ethics and the Principles on Diversity & Inclusion, is committed to combating all forms of discrimination - whether based on gender, gender identity and/or expression, affective-sexual orientation, civil status and family situation, age, ethnicity, religious belief, political and trade union affiliation, socio-economic condition, nationality, language, cultural background, physical and mental conditions or any other characteristic of the person also linked to the expression of one's own thought - guaranteeing equal opportunities in the processes of selection, management, development and professional growth.
In the following table the main nationalities in the Group's people.
Main nationalities in the Group's people
Share in total workforce (as % of total workforce) |
Share in all management positions (Executives and Middle Managers - as % of total management workforce) |
Italian | 74.1% | 84.1% |
Egyptian | 4.7% | 4.5% |
Croatian | 4.0% | 2.3% |
Slovak | 3.9% | 1.2% |
Serbian | 3.3% | 1.1% |
Hungarian | 2.5% | 2.3% |
The perimeter is the same of the 2023 Consolidated Non-financial Statement (December 2023).
Nationality is related to the place of birth and does not express citizenship.
Find out more about the various aspects of Diversity and inclusion
Gender equality
Intesa Sanpaolo has always been committed to the full enhancement of female talent, facilitating the presence of women in every professional context and at every hierarchical level.
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Initiatives to promote the inclusion of Group people and to develop a working environment where people can feel free to express themselves and their potential.
Support for parenting
Intesa Sanpaolo's corporate welfare offers a variety of services and types of permits that supplement what is already provided for at the regulatory level.
Inclusion of people with disabilities
Initiatives and policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities, ensuring an entry role suited to their skills and needs, as well as a professional development plan for the future
Last updated 14 May 2024 at 14:38:19