Sustainability reporting
In this section it is possible to learn more about the Consolidated Non-financial Statement, the Consolidated Non-financial Statement as at 30 June (among the very few banks to carry it out voluntarily), the Climate Report, the PRB Report, the Green and Social Bond Reports, the ex-ante impact reports on financing to non-profit organizations and an archive of all the sustainability publications of the past years.
This section includes: the Consolidated Non-financial Statement (CNFS) of the Group - including the interactive version - the CNFS as at 30 June and the archives of both.
Read moreIn this section you can consult the Climate Report on the Group's commitment to the climate. The first report has been published in the fourth quarter 2021.
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In this section it is possible to consult the first PRB Report of the Group, the document reports the results achieved on the basis of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), information in previous years included in the Consolidated Non-financial Statement.
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In this section it is possible to consult the annual reports on the use of the proceeds of the Green and Social Bonds issued.
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In this section it is possible to consult the first report on the evaluation of the ex-ante impact of the funding to non-profit organizations.
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