Financial inclusion of vulnerable people
Support of people in vulnerable conditions is offered through projects and initiatives aimed at the fair allocation of resources by identifying actors within the territory with whom agreements and synergies can be developed that will make access to credit easier for vulnerable individuals or those who would otherwise have no access to banking.
High social impact initiatives
In the new 2022-2025 Business Plan, Intesa Sanpaolo made a commitment to disburse 25 billion euro of social lending throughout the whole period and in 2022 the Group disbursed new loans for about 9 billion euro, equal to 11% of all loans disbursed (excluding loans linked to the COVID-19 emergency and lending for urban regeneration purposes). The Bank has thus contributed to creating business and employment opportunities and to helping people in difficulty through various forms, as provided for in the new Plan: anti-usury loans; products and services for associations and bodies in the Third Sector; products dedicated to the most vulnerable social groups to promote their financial inclusion; loans to support populations affected by calamitous events; other social loans.
The Group is also committed to supporting credit for urban regeneration with a dedicated programme through investments in hospitals, smart mobility, broadband networks and education, sustainable infrastructure and services: during the year, commitments of approximately 616 million euro were made. The commitment of Intesa Sanpaolo to these initiatives envisages development that takes account of the evolution of the Real Estate sector and that makes use of strategic initiatives open to the contribution from industrial and institutional investors, Tier 1 operators in the real estate sector, national credit agencies and supranational bodies, in order to help amplify the economic, environmental and social impact of urban regeneration through investments and partnerships.
Microcredit and social lending
Collaborations are active with various entities to facilitate credit to people or small businesses in difficulty.
Fund for Impact
To support the provision of loans to categories of customers with credit access difficulties despite their potential.
Vulnerable people
Offers reserved for families, young people, the elderly, people affected by natural disasters and the management of remittances.
Impact report assessment
In this section it is possible to consult the ex-ante assessment reports of the initiatives financed by non-profit organizations.
Last updated 25 May 2022 at 12:27:10