Community and culture
Fostering youth education and employability
Intesa Sanpaolo promotes youth education inclusion and employability, in collaboration with schools and universities to contribute to the well-being of new generations in the areas where the Group operates.
Inclusive education programs and youth employability
With a view to paying close attention to the world of young people, their training and integration into the world of work, Intesa Sanpaolo has developed several projects, supporting merit and social mobility.
>7,760 students involved in inclusive education programmes
>1,180 schools involved
2,240 schools involved
Futura Initiative
It's a project promoted by Save the Children, Forum Inequality and Diversity and Yolk, with the collaboration of Intesa Sanpaolo, against female educational poverty, educational failure and school dropout.
300 girls and young women involved including 50 young mothers
130 educational plans activated
Among the most relevant initiatives activated with schools, there are projects for orientation, transversal skills and for the development of a culture of sustainability.
Programs for young people in schools
Intesa Sanpaolo has intervened in 14 middle schools involving 850 students and in the 2023-2024 school year it will bring its training proposal to over 500 students in 8 middle schools.
Intesa Sanpaolo has developed partnerships with a number of Italian and international universities (notably Oxford and Cambridge), that enable a mutual transfer of knowledge and skills and, through support for research, contribute to the creation of new models of technology transfer and connection with the business world to create value.
The Bank is a member of 2 of the 8 national competence Centres, Smact and Bi-Rex, involving 13 universities and 2 national Research Institutes, and collaborates in various ways with the other 6 Competence Centres.
Intesa Sanpaolo offers scholarships and research grants to students and, with the Thesis in Company project, supports students engaged in their degree or doctoral theses, with activities ranging from targeted reporting of useful sources and materials to specialized support by corporate professionals.
> 60 universities with which Italian and international collaboration is active
>130 scholarships and research grants awarded
230 students supported in degree and doctoral theses
With the support of the Polytechnic of Bari and La Sapienza University, Intesa Sanpaolo collaborates on the IBM Foundation's P-Tech initiative to combat school dropouts, activated in the provinces of Taranto and Rieti. From the third year of high school to graduation until obtaining a degree in digital subjects, P-Tech accompanies male and female students in six years of highly specialized training, consisting of thematic seminars and workshops, as well as in-depth afternoon lessons to prepare them to face the world of work. In 2023 Intesa Sanpaolo delivered 3 webinars and held several one-to-one mentoring meetings with participants.
Giovani e Lavoro (Youth and Work) Programme
The Program was born in 2019 from the partnership between Intesa Sanpaolo and Generation Italy - a non-profit foundation of McKinsey & Company - to facilitate young people's access to the world of work by offering companies qualified personnel through free training courses to 5,000 unemployed young people between 18 and 29 years old. The goal is to have at least 75-80% of the trained young people hired by companies. The training programs focus on experiential and short-term courses (3-14 weeks) on specific professional sectors, identified among those most difficult to fill in the Italian job market: salesperson in the Retail sector; staff for the Hospitality, Food & Beverage sector; numerical control machine (CNC) operator; Java developer; Salesforce developer; systems engineer, Cybersecurity analyst and Data Engineer.
3,000 young people to be trained
>6,300 applications received
>2,000 students interviewed

920 students trained or in training (>3,900 since 2019)
2,400 companies involved since 2019
37 courses activated
Generation4Universities Project
Intesa Sanpaolo is the main sponsor of the project, developed by Generation and McKinsey & Company, aimed at helping students in their final year of university to start a successful professional careers. The project ended in July 2023.
94 students involved from 36 universities
22 important Italian companies involved as potential employers
50 internships started, of which 2 in Intesa Sanpaolo
In Action Esg NEET Project
Launched in 2022 in collaboration with Dynamo Foundation, the project offers professionalizing paths dedicated to the promotion and inclusion in the world of work of young people experiencing situations of social, economic or family hardship, with a focus on some regions of the Italian territory. In particular, the initiative, through professional qualification activities on profiles related to the field of caring, care professions and support for the vulnerable, allows NEETs to resume training and inclusion path consisting of internships and job accompaniment.
112 people involved in 8 classes in Tuscany, Campania and Lazio
77% of NEETs find work and/or resume their studies within a few months of completing their path
Last updated 3 April 2024