
We help our people grow

The growth and enhancement of people are at the heart of the Group's vision and Business Plan. With an innovative and multi-channel approach, Intesa Sanpaolo offers flexible training courses capable of responding to different professional needs, in order to proactively address business challenges and contribute to the company's success. 

The commitment to training and developing talent is realized through international experiences, job rotation opportunities, and dedicated professional growth programs, investing in the leaders of tomorrow to generate economic and social value.


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~ 13,5 million

training hours delivered in 2023, of which 12.2 million in digital mode

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8,000 Managers

involved in 2023 within our leadership programs

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~ 25,100 people

from the Group have joined the company's job communities as of 2023

The Intesa Sanpaolo leadership framework

To meet the challenges of the context and promote a dynamic and future-oriented culture, we have adopted a leadership model that promotes flexibility, inclusivity and entrepreneurship. Thanks to a continuous performance evaluation process, we accompany our managers in the development of technical expertise and soft skills, enhancing the potential of people and promoting the creation of long-term value. Intesa Sanpaolo Leadership Framework:

Icon representing the jobs of the future
Future-oriented mindset

It promotes a future-oriented mindset, encouraging people to be proactive, flexible and creative in leading their team.

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Knowledge and skills

It encourages the sharing of knowledge and skills, promoting transparency in relationships and the creation of an inclusive culture.

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Entrepreneurial spirit

It enhances the entrepreneurial spirit, based on the continuous search for new ideas and opportunities for growth and innovation.

Our training courses

Image of two students from the Polytechnic

Our programmes, designed to develop soft skills and technical expertise, contribute not only to improving operational efficiency, but also to enhancing people's motivation and engagement, fostering a positive, stimulating and future-oriented work environment. We use advanced business platforms and apps (such as Apprendo, Myla, Scuola dei Capi and LEA) and collaborate on an exclusive basis with Digit’Ed and with prestigious Universities and Business Schools, to guarantee an innovative and multi-channel offer that maximises simplicity and flexible learning.

The main training initiatives taken include:


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Key People Programme

Path aimed at middle managers, to enhance professional growth and prepare them for future roles of responsibility in particularly complex contexts.

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International Talent Program

Three-year personalised development courses, aimed at creating a new generation of managers and cross-cultural and international professionals.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Training programmes dedicated to DE&I issues, such as inclusive leadership, female empowerment, accessibility design and the use of inclusive language.

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Digitalisation and cybersecurity

Training offer dedicated to promoting new digital solutions within the Group and promoting awareness on the issue of cybersecurity.

Representative icon of ESG training.
ESG training


Initiatives to disseminate the culture of sustainability, through online distance learning modules and specialist in-depth studies on individual topics, also in live mode.

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Job Community


Creation of professional groups with homogeneous skills and learning paths, to facilitate the exchange of information and best practices between people from different structures.

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Coaching and mentoring programmes

We have developed internal coaching and mentoring programmes to offer comprehensive and personalised support to the Group's people, such as Senior and Peer Mentoring, Distance Tutoring or Shadow Coaching Meetings, aimed at improving remote meeting management. 

Thanks to these programmes, we promote continuous growth and the enhancement of in-house talent, fostering a dynamic company culture and the development of the leadership of the future.

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Job@ISP: the internal labour market

An opportunity to grow, acquire new skills and enhance your talent through an internal mobility project

Thanks to a dedicated platform, Intesa Sanpaolo employees can apply for open positions published weekly on the People portal. If your profile is in line with the position you are looking for, you will be interviewed to assess your technical expertise and soft skills.

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