

  • Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin host the presentation of the results achieved and the new funds Neva II and Neva II Italia, dedicated to investments in companies committed to providing business solutions to global problems.
  • Double the targets: the new Neva II funds will have a final investment capacity of €500 million compared to €250 million for the Neva First funds.
  • Four years after the start of operations of Neva Sgr, the CEO and General Manager, Mario Costantini, announced the closing of the composition period of the investment portfolio of the Neva First fund one year early and the first distribution of capital to subscribers.
  • Luca Remmert: “Our funds enable investors to contribute to the creation and development of technology platforms on key sectors of the economy and society. The goal is to generate a high return on capital by actively participating in solving major global problems”.

Turin, 18 September 2024 - Neva Sgr, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's venture capital company, celebrates the milestone of its fourth year of activity by officially launching the new Neva II and Neva II Italia funds - dedicated to investments in companies committed to providing business solutions to global problems - which will have a final investment capacity of €500 million, double the €250 million of the Neva First funds.

In order to present the two new funds, the results achieved in four years and the growth prospects, Neva Sgr brought together today at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni di Torino (Ogr) a large audience of venture capitalists, corporations, institutional investors, experts, entrepreneurs and start-uppers from all over Italy and many other countries, led by the United States.

 Intesa Sanpaolo's Chairman, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, and Intesa Sanpaolo's Chief Sustainability Officer and Chairman of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Paola Angeletti, spoke at the opening, highlighting the important role of Neva Sgr in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's sustainability strategies.

Since August 2020 to date, despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic in the first two years, Neva Sgr has achieved its goals ahead of schedule, investing with its first three funds - Neva First for global investments, Neva First Italia dedicated to national realities and Fondo Sei for the development of Italian innovative ecosystems - around €170 million in more than 40 high-growth, highly innovative companies.

Four years after Neva Sgr's start-up, the CEO and General Manager, Mario Costantini, announced today the closure of the period of the fund's investment portfolio Neva First one year early and the first capital distribution to subscribers, thanks to the valuation of Cyberint 's exit from the capital after its recent acquisition by global cybersecurity operator Check Point.

Testifying to the transactions finalised with many hi-tech companies operating in different countries and sectors, the first round table of today's event at the Ogr was attended by a selection of founders and managers representing the diversified composition of Neva Sgr's fund investment portfolios: Guido Meardi, co-founder and CEO of V-Nova (innovative software for video and image compression technologies); Guy Moskowitz, co-founder and CEO of Coro (Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity); Luca Rossettini, co-founder and CEO of D-Orbit (space logistics and orbital transport services); Paolo Cavallini, Chief of Staff of Energy Dome (long-life CO2 batteries); and Matteo Vanotti, co-founder and CEO of xFarm (digital farm management). The dialogue on growth and value prospects was also animated by the contribution of Massimo Della Ragione, Professor of Practice in Investment Banking at Bocconi University and SDA Bocconi School of Management, and Andrea Mayr, Head of Client Coverage & Advisory, IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo.

For the new funds, Neva Sgr has set challenging goals, supported by the excellent results achieved so far, the progressive extension of its international network of relations and the growing interest, also in Italy, in venture capital as an investment tool for qualified operators and private clients. Neva II aims at a final collection of around €400 million, to be invested in the best highly innovative emerging companies worldwide, while Neva II Italy plans to raise €100 million to be reserved for Italian companies. Both funds have a mandate to focus on companies operating in sectors of priority importance for the future of the planet, such as life sciences, energy transition, digital transformation, next-generation manufacturing and aerospace.

Neva Sgr chose to dedicate the second of today's event round tables to life sciences, hosting representatives of two world leaders in frontier medical research, companies that are already part of Neva First's portfolio: Matthew Porteus, Co-founder and CEO of Kamau Therapeutics (biotechnology for the correction of the human genome), and Maria Grazia Roncarolo, Co-founder, Chairwoman, Head of Research and Development of Tr1X (biotechnology for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases).

"In four years Neva Sgr has become a point of reference in Italy and beyond for venture capital dedicated to innovationthanks to our excellent team, the support of Intesa Sanpaolo and the collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center”, says Luca Remmert, Chairman of Neva Sgr. “Our funds” - Remmert stresses - “enable investors to contribute to the creation and development of technology platforms on key sectors of the economy and society. The goal is to generate a high return on capital by actively participating in solving major global problems. The new Neva II funds will further strengthen our commitment, investing a total of €500 million, e.g. in the medical field in projects for the treatment of oncological and autoimmune diseases”.

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